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This will be 90 minute session with a medical history intake, postural assessment, range of motion and movement analysis that will focus on your concerns and goals.

John Barnes Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is technique developed by John Barnes where the therapist slowly engages with the restricted tissue and applies gentle pressure to allow the tissue to release and rehydrate.  This technique addresses the tissue that can cause compression on vital systems and cause pain throughout the body. 

More information can be found at (see link under treatments tab).



"Myofascial Decompression (MFD) is a novel approach to manual therapy that combines negative pressure technology with evidence -based movement science principles in orthopedics and sports medicine. We focus on the efficiency of motion with fascial mobility and neuromuscular re-education." - Myofascial Decompression Website (see link above under treatments).



Postural analysis will be done using Posture Screen (see link above under treatments).  This is an app that allows analysis of posture standing and through dynamic movements, such as a squat. 

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